sending & sustaining global south laborers

OVER THE LAST SEVERAL YEARS, the center of the global Body of Jesus has shifted from what missiologists refer to as the “Global North” (North America/Europe) to the “Global South” (Central & South America/Africa/ Asia). In the last few years, we as an organization have seen the Lord mobilizing laborers from the harvest fields of the Global South to the Middle East in a concerted way. And the Gospel soil in the Middle East is more enriched for it.

YET THIS GREAT ASSET NEARLY CAN’T COME OVERSEAS. Due to the devaluation of Central & South American, African, and South Pacific currencies, many of these willing, able, and qualified laborers cannot be sent from their local fellowships simply because they don’t have the resources. They have the manpower. They don’t have the money.

Much like the work of the Allies in the Second World War, those on the home front were deeply invested in and connected to the work of those on the war front. The war could not be won without the commitment and participation of both parties—all the resources in the world can’t serve as boots on the ground, and all the boots in the world can’t hit the ground without the support of a sending community.

THE MOBILIZATION INITIATIVE is a coordinated effort between FAI and the global Body of Christ to intentionally and strategically raise the required resources to send those who can “go,” want to go, and need funding, and provide an opportunity for those who want to serve and are called to send.