We are not our own; we are, in the words of Jihadi John, the “people of the Cross.” And it is the crosses we carry that become bridges to the Just One in the lives we lay down for our friends—and our enemies.
The myth of persecution leads us to believe that we are being persecuted simply because we’re experiencing petty consequences of the curse post-exile from Eden. The myth of persecution baits us into a cowardly lack of resilience. But we are wired for resilience, for endurance.
Success is not based on bodies in a room. Success is based on whether or not disciples make disciples who can stand on their own, make more disciples (highly reproducible), and are highly obedient to Christ. It’s Jesus or bust. We’re in this thing for eternity.
Jim Caviezel's new movie 'Infidel' tells a story of an American Christian in Iran—but hear directly from a Christian in Iran, who has a word for Christians in America. These are not ordinary days. God is doing a new thing, and we need to respond well.
Jim Caviezel’s latest movie Infidel just hit theaters, exploring what it’s like to be a Christian in Iran today. Hear the real story from a real disciple of Jesus in the Islamic Republic of Iran—because they have some advice for Christians in the West as we navigate the upheaval of 2020.