August 8, 2017 Jordan Scott PROCLAMATION, PIONEERING, BETTER FRIENDS WHY MUST THE LABORERS BE FEW? August 8, 2017 Jordan Scott PROCLAMATION, PIONEERING, BETTER FRIENDS Before I talk about the Kurdish people specifically, I would like to explore what it means to be called to be a missionary.
August 7, 2017 Stephanie Quick PROCLAMATION, PIONEERING, BETTER FRIENDS WHAT WILL BECOME OF MOSUL? August 7, 2017 Stephanie Quick PROCLAMATION, PIONEERING, BETTER FRIENDS Skip the whale. How many of us are willing to admit we're more like Jonah than we'd like to think?
August 6, 2017 Jordan Scott PROCLAMATION, PIONEERING, BETTER FRIENDS A 'BETTER WAY' AND 'BETTER FRIENDS' August 6, 2017 Jordan Scott PROCLAMATION, PIONEERING, BETTER FRIENDS What does it mean to be “better friends than mountains”? How do we befriend the Kurdish people?
August 5, 2017 Stephanie Quick PROCLAMATION, PIONEERING, BETTER FRIENDS NOT ONLY THE GOSPEL August 5, 2017 Stephanie Quick PROCLAMATION, PIONEERING, BETTER FRIENDS “I have made it my ambition to preach Christ where He has not been named, lest I build on another man’s foundation.”
July 6, 2017 Guest Writer POWER, PROCLAMATION FREELY TO ALL July 6, 2017 Guest Writer POWER, PROCLAMATION So often in Scripture, the LORD reminds the Israelites to be kind to the strangers and foreigners amongst them...
July 3, 2017 Jordan Scott COVENANT AND CONTROVERSY, PROCLAMATION WHAT IS THE 'DAY OF THE LORD'? July 3, 2017 Jordan Scott COVENANT AND CONTROVERSY, PROCLAMATION The Christian hope is not in this age. While we must seek the good of the cities we're in, we cannot put our hope or trust in finite...
June 30, 2017 Stephanie Quick PROCLAMATION, PIONEERING, BETTER FRIENDS WHEN MOSUL FALLS & ISIS FLEES June 30, 2017 Stephanie Quick PROCLAMATION, PIONEERING, BETTER FRIENDS We watched in horror as stretches of territory fell to the burgeoning Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in the middle of 2014.
June 23, 2017 Guest Writer PROCLAMATION, PIONEERING A LETTER TO THOSE WHO LOVE ESCHATOLOGY June 23, 2017 Guest Writer PROCLAMATION, PIONEERING Love not your life & "love the Lord's appearing" instead. The reinstitution of the state of Israel has earmarked modern Christianity.
January 18, 2017 Jordan Scott PROCLAMATION THE INNOCENT WILL WARN January 18, 2017 Jordan Scott PROCLAMATION What happens to a person, who doesn’t hear the gospel and come to Christ, may be the most compelling reason we have to declare it to them with urgency.
December 7, 2016 Jordan Scott PROCLAMATION PHILIP OPENED HIS MOUTH December 7, 2016 Jordan Scott PROCLAMATION God told him to go, and he went. God told him to speak, and he spoke.
October 20, 2016 Jordan Scott PROCLAMATION FROM THE FRONTLINE // THE FEARLESS WILL FEAR October 20, 2016 Jordan Scott PROCLAMATION On October 17th, 2016, a small team from FAI enjoyed tea with Kurdish forces on the front lines of the offensive to liberate Mosul from ISIS control.
December 7, 2015 Jordan Scott PROCLAMATION, PIONEERING, PERSECUTION, SHEEP AMONG WOLVES THE LEAST OF THESE December 7, 2015 Jordan Scott PROCLAMATION, PIONEERING, PERSECUTION, SHEEP AMONG WOLVES If we love Jesus, we will obey Him. If we do not obey Jesus, it is because we do not love Him.
December 5, 2015 Jordan Scott PROCLAMATION, PIONEERING, PERSECUTION, SHEEP AMONG WOLVES LAMBS AMONG WOLVES (AND THE GOOD SHEPHERD WHO LEADS US THERE) December 5, 2015 Jordan Scott PROCLAMATION, PIONEERING, PERSECUTION, SHEEP AMONG WOLVES The shores of lands stained with martyr’s blood are calling out for reinforcements.
December 3, 2015 Stephanie Quick PROCLAMATION, PIONEERING, PERSECUTION, SHEEP AMONG WOLVES PERSECUTION AND PROMISES December 3, 2015 Stephanie Quick PROCLAMATION, PIONEERING, PERSECUTION, SHEEP AMONG WOLVES “Then they left—rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer dishonor for the Name.”
December 3, 2015 Stephanie Quick PROCLAMATION, PIONEERING, PERSECUTION, SHEEP AMONG WOLVES TO WALK AS HE WALKED December 3, 2015 Stephanie Quick PROCLAMATION, PIONEERING, PERSECUTION, SHEEP AMONG WOLVES “If love for the lost is the primary motivation driving you into mission, a lack of love will quickly drive you home. Go for the glory of God.”
December 1, 2015 Stephanie Quick PROCLAMATION, PIONEERING, PERSECUTION, BETTER FRIENDS SETTING ASIDE SOAPBOXES December 1, 2015 Stephanie Quick PROCLAMATION, PIONEERING, PERSECUTION, BETTER FRIENDS When we talk about “world evangelization,” we aren’t talking about conquests or combat strategies.
November 20, 2015 Stephanie Quick PROCLAMATION, PIONEERING, PERSECUTION, BETTER FRIENDS TO PUT MOUNTAINS TO SHAME November 20, 2015 Stephanie Quick PROCLAMATION, PIONEERING, PERSECUTION, BETTER FRIENDS We know they are without a witness. We know they are fleeing from tormentors. We know they are alone, save for the mountains.
November 20, 2015 Stephanie Quick PROCLAMATION, PIONEERING, PERSECUTION, BETTER FRIENDS GIVING, GETTING, AND QUALIFYING NEIGHBORS November 20, 2015 Stephanie Quick PROCLAMATION, PIONEERING, PERSECUTION, BETTER FRIENDS Our neighbors are changing. We don't get to pick them. And that is OKAY.
November 20, 2015 Jordan Scott PROCLAMATION, PIONEERING, PERSECUTION, BETTER FRIENDS SONS AND DAUGHTERS November 20, 2015 Jordan Scott PROCLAMATION, PIONEERING, PERSECUTION, BETTER FRIENDS When we see Jesus face-to-face, not one Christian will ever regret anything they had to leave for His sake, no matter the cost.
April 9, 2015 Stephanie Quick PIONEERING, PREEMINENCE, PROCLAMATION RUINS OF THE RENAISSANCE April 9, 2015 Stephanie Quick PIONEERING, PREEMINENCE, PROCLAMATION What started with doors and ended with a ceiling changed the world and how we offer art. Then it snowballed—and even Spielberg is worried about it.