An Israeli health worker dons protective gear near a makeshift testing and treatment lab inside Israel (via

Over 60,000 Israelis have been advised to place themselves under a 14-day home quarantine by the Israeli Ministry of Health. Most of those affected either traveled aboard to certain Asian and European nations, or else had contact with someone who did. Even Israel’s ambassador to China was not exempt, sequestering himself in his home until it was confirmed that he was not symptomatic. Israel’s national airline, El Al, has cancelled hundreds of flights and has laid off over 1,000 non-essential workers, as the Israeli government has been forced to ban travel to China, Singapore, Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Austria and Switzerland in an attempt to stymie the spread of the virulent disease. Israeli soldiers have been ordered to stay in the country and joint exercises with US troops have been cancelled.

The stepped up measures were announced amid news of Israel’s 21st confirmed case of coronavirus today. Most cases have arisen from contact with infected individuals during travel to Europe, especially Italy. The Palestinian Authority also declared a state of emergency today in the West Bank, closing mosques and schools. The declaration comes after 4 cases of coronavirus were announced near Bethlehem yesterday, likely transmitted by pilgrims as they visited holy sites. Israeli health authorities met with PA officials to coordinate a joint response to the virus.


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Meanwhile, Israeli medical researchers at the Galilee Research Institute (MIGDAL) have announced the development of a vaccine to combat the resilient coronavirus, which should be released to the general public “in a matter of weeks” after trials have been conducted and regulatory requirements met. Along with the United States and EU, Israel leads the world in bio-medical research, especially medical technology, showcasing a strong partnership between the Jewish State’s vibrant tech and medical sectors. MIGDAL is also actively working on vaccines for other infectious strains, including the Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV).