Turkish military vehicles are seen in Hazano near Idlib, Syria, Feb. 11, 2020 (Credit: Khalil Ashawi, Reuters)

The Turkish government requested NATO enforcement of a no-fly zone over the northwestern territory of Idlib today, while Turkish president Recip Tayyip Erdogan threatened the the Syrian regime with a full-scale invasion if it does not withdraw from the besieged, rebel-held province. A major Turkish offensive in Syria appears increasingly certain after 13 Turkish soldiers were killed in support of Syrian rebel groups this month.

Turkey launched a limited operation to supply and support Syrian rebels in Idlib on February 10th, after the Syrian Army broke a years-long stalemate to begin making rapid gains across the province, coming within a few kilometers of the provincial capital. The regime has been supported by Shi’a militas such as Lebanese Hezbollah, as well as other groups which are recruited, armed and trained by the Iranian regime. Russia’s air force has also worn down rebel defenses with a punishing series of bombing sorties, killing hundreds of Syrian civilians with relentless, indiscriminate airstrikes. Almost one million Idlib residents have fled from the regime advance towards the Turkish border and Kurdish-held territories. Over a dozen children have died of exposure due to lack of shelter in harsh weather conditions.

After the regime offensive picked up steam, Turkey began supplying rebel groups with weapons, armored vehicles and other supplies, many of which are distributed to al-Qaeda linked rebel groups such as Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS, formerly al-Nusra Front, an al-Qaeda franchise). Turkish tank and artillery units were also deployed into Idlib, but have so far been ineffective in blunting the Syrian and Russian advance.


FAI had the unique and powerful opportunity to bring hope and Good News to the victims of the Syrian Civil War.

Fearful of losing his gains in northern Syria, Erdogan has threatened a massive counter-offensive for several days, positioning himself as the defender of Syrian self-determination against a brutal, repressive regime and their Iranian proxies. So far, his PR strategy has worked, garnering the support of the United States. American envoy to Syria James Jeffrey voiced support for an “all-in” Turkish operation in Idlib this week, referring to slain Turkish soldiers as “martyrs.”

However, American diplomats privately expressed alarm at the escalating situation in Idlib, worrying that Turkey and Russia are “very close to having more extensive conflict in the area.” Although Russia and Turkey have enjoyed a rapprochement in recent years over joint trade and energy projects, diplomatic talks to de-escalate in Idlib have deadlocked so far, with both sides refusing to back down in their support of opposing sides. Turkey and Russia have a long history of military conflict, stretching back to the early days of the Turkish Ottoman sultanate and the Russian Empire in the Sixteenth Century. It remains to be seen if, or how, NATO member states would support Turkey in a large-scale Syrian operation.

We would ask our global partners to continue in prayer for the situation in Idlib, which is becoming more dire and precarious by the day, and which threatens to trigger a domino effect that would quickly plunge the entire Middle East into a major conflagration. Please pray for divine wisdom to be granted to political leaders in applying pressure on Turkey and the Syrian regime, and for a divine hedge of protection around civilians in Idlib province.