Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei saluting members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) during a meeting in Tehran, October 2, 2019. (Credit: AFP)

A top US admiral in the Middle East warned this week that Iran has shown no signs of pulling back from its aggressive posture since striking Saudi oil facilities three weeks ago. On the contrary, the underwhelming international response to the attack appears to have only emboldened Iran, with Iranian leaders claiming victory over the United States in state-owned media outlets. Additionally, a recent series of German intelligence reports have detailed Iran’s lack of compliance with the JCPOA (Iranian Nuclear Deal) throughout most of the treaty period between 2015-2018, before President Trump withdrew the United States government from the agreement this year. However, despite clear evidence of Iranian subversion, the reports have been largely ignored by European powers and the UN atomic agency responsible for verifying Iranian compliance with the deal. In short, it would seem that the world is unwilling to hold Iran accountable for either its atomic subterfuge or its blatant regional aggression, giving the regime a sense of impunity. This reality has become increasingly apparent to the Saudi government, which has toned down its bellicose rhetoric since the Iranian attack in favor of diplomatic rapprochement.

At the same time, with the lack of an assertive response to Iran coming from either the United States or the EU, Israel and the Arab States have embarked upon an unprecedented diplomatic course. At the UN General Assembly last month, Israeli Foreign Minister Katz met with envoys from the Gulf States to discuss a “non-aggression pact” that would act as a peace treaty between Israel and the Arab Kingdoms, formalizing political and economic ties, and opening the door for military cooperation in the event of a wider regional conflict with Iran. Described as a “historic pact,” a draft of the document was circulated among the diplomatic teams with the knowledge and blessing of US envoy Jason Greenblatt. The treaty talks come at a critical time, as Iran is exploiting civil strife in both Syria and Iraq to consolidate their control over the northern half of the region, and as Turkey prepares a unilateral and illegal incursion into Northern Syria.

We would ask our global partners to intercede with us, that such a historic treaty would be realized, and that US and EU leadership would be granted the courage and wisdom needed to confront the deception and hegemony of the Iranian regime. We believe that a wider regional war is coming, and likely soon. We also know that not a hair falls from our heads without our Father’s knowledge. We covet your prayers for hedges of protection to be placed around the weak and vulnerable throughout the Middle East.

Shalom from Israel.
