An Israeli soldier examines damage to the fence along the “Blue Line” frontier with Lebanon, April 18, 2020 (Credit: Israeli Defense Forces, @IDF on Twitter)

Video published online by Israeli media yesterday shows another tense standoff between Israeli and Lebanese troops along their shared frontier, called the “Blue Line”, after Israeli troops arrived to repair fencing along the demarcation line. Three sections of the wire fence had been cut, creating gaps large enough for a person to cross into Israel, although the IDF confirmed that no infiltration had occurred.

The incident came one day after a strike on senior Hezbollah leaders in southwest Syria destroyed a vehicle. The occupants of the vehicle were allowed time to escape before it was demolished, in an apparent warning to Hezbollah that it is not welcome in Syria near the Israeli Golan Heights. The fence cutting is regarded by Israeli authorities as a counter-warning, underscoring Hezbollah’s repeated tactic of infiltrating the Northern Galilee in order to take hostages and cause mayhem. It also underscores the increasingly precarious situation between the Israeli and Lebanese militaries along their shared frontier, as well as Hezbollah’s ability to stoke tensions between the two nations.


Partner with FAI as we build on the edge of the growing eye of the storm in the Golan Heights. Our Legacy Center will stand as a bastion of solidarity with a Jewish Jerusalem as well as a beacon of refuge and hope for the surrounding nations.

Meanwhile, Israeli officials approved the re-opening of certain types of businesses and eased restrictions on gatherings throughout the country, while leaving other restrictions regarding travel and movement in place. The IDF has been especially active over the last month in its fight against COVID-19 across the nation, deploying over 11,000 troops to assist in the operation of hundreds of testing facilities, clinics, geriatric facilities and quarantine hotels. Israeli soldiers have delivered over 2 million meals to at-risk citizens.

We ask our global partners to join us in prayer as we continue to intercede for all of the people of Israel and the surrounding nations during this unstable times of military tension, economic downturn and pandemic in the Middle East, especially as bad actors attempt to exploit the COVID-19 crisis by advancing their violent, antisemitic agendas.