The Saudi and Israeli foreign ministers had strong words for Iran during their addresses at the UN General Assembly yesterday, while the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) also revealed yesterday that Iran is beginning to enrich uranium with its more advanced centrifuges again - an activity banned by the 2015 nuclear deal.

The Saudi foreign minister's rhetoric was especially sharp, calling the Islamic Republic "vile," "rogue," "bloodthirsty" and "terrorist." He accused the Tehran regime "which hides behind its affiliated militias” of cowardice, and called for more diplomatic and economic pressure, even leaving open the possibility of military action once the international investigation into the Sept 14 attack on Saudi oil facilities is complete.

Israeli FM Katz echoed his Saudi counterpart's comments regarding Iran, stating, “This terror attack against Saudi Arabia was done on the direct orders of Iranian [Supreme] Leader Ali Khamenei." He reiterated his government's red-line stance regarding the Iranian nuclear program and called on world leaders to confront Iran's international network of terrorism, which he described as extending throughout "the Middle East, Europe, Latin America, and all over the world."

As the regional response to Iran's naked aggression continues to intensify, and as a larger Middle Eastern war becomes more and more likely, we would ask our global partners to continue pray with us for the full truth of those things "hidden in darkness" to be publicly exposed to the light, and for world leaders (especially US, Israeli and Saudi leaders) to be granted divine wisdom in their policy decisions.

Shabbat shalom from Israel.

Photo: Foreign Minister Israel Katz delivers a speech during the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly on September 26, 2019 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City. (Johannes Eisele, AFP).
