An Afghan family receives a food donation. (via Global Catalytic Ministries.)



Despite the disastrous results brought about by the US leaving Afghanistan, Global Catalytic Ministries is seeing beauty rise from the ashes.

Nampa, Idaho (August 15, 2022) - Despite the horrors that have occurred in Afghanistan in the year since the US left, Global Catalytic Ministries (GCM), a leader in disciple-making ministry in the Middle East, is excited to share that the underground church continues to grow and thrive. The hope of Jesus is spreading like wildfire, even with the constant threat of rape, torture, and murder by the Talaban. Yet the circumstances in this poverty-stricken area of the Middle East are dire due to deadly earthquakes, bombings, and school shootings, and people remain in desperate need.

After Kabul fell into the hands of Islamic extremists on August 15, 2021, panic and fear ran rampant. People flooded the airport, trying to escape to safety on any aircraft they could jump on. Parents were passing their children up to the front of the line, hoping someone would take them away from what they knew was coming. Families were separated and many were left behind to accept the new government and their authority. However, behind the scenes, GCM was organizing alternate escape routes for the Afghan people.

GCM worked diligently and discreetly to evacuate as many people as possible. Over the last year they were able to extract over 3,000 individuals, providing them with food, shelter, and safety. One leader has seen over 5,000 people have a power encounter with Jesus, giving their lives to Christ. He is baptizing over 60 people at a time, sometimes with a simple water bottle.

Many underground church leaders chose to stay behind and minister to the needs of those still in Afghanistan. Through generous donations GCM was able to set up over 25 safehouses providing food and other comforts, while working with limited supplies. Another leader shares, "GCM will never understand the impact it has had."

“Before the Taliban takeover, Afghanistan was one of the poorest nations in the world. Since then, conditions have only gotten worse,” shares Joel Richardson, Chairman of the Board at Frontier Alliance International (FAI). Because of the lack of resources, many fathers have resorted to selling their children to provide food for the rest of their family. Unfortunately, children have become a commodity to the Taliban.

One of the most vulnerable groups of people in Afghanistan are orphans. Richardson says, “These orphans and orphanages are targets of plunder, quite frankly. The boys and the girls together are used as concubines, in human trafficking, or slavery.” There is evidence that these children are being molested, married off to Taliban, or forced into being soldiers.  Richardson says, “GCM is putting forth a strong effort to get these orphans out.”

“Our efforts to bring hope and resources to the people of Afghanistan continue a year into the Taliban regime, and it wouldn’t be possible without the generosity of our supporters,” states Richardson. “These precious people are grateful for every prayer and donation. They not only help physically, but spiritually as well, allowing them to share the love and peace of Christ with their Muslim brothers and sisters.”

You can partner with GCM in their mission to make disciples in the darkest places with a donation of $59 a month. For less than $2 a day, you can help provide families with food, shelter, and resources, keeping kids in their homes and out of the hands of the Taliban. Become a monthly partner here: https://catalyticministries.com/giving/.

About Global Catalytic Ministries

Global Catalytic Ministries (GCM) is a leader in the disciple-making movement in the Middle East, rapidly transforming Muslims worldwide through Jesus Christ by means of intentional disciple making, church planting, and leadership development. The documentaries, “Sheep Among Wolves Volume 1 and Volume 2”, expose the experiences of GCM underground church leaders as true sheep among wolves. GCM is headquartered in Nampa, Idaho. More information can be found at https://catalyticministries.com/.