An Afghan woman and her child. (via Global Catalytic Ministries).



Global Catalytic Ministries is working with underground church leaders to share the hope and peace of Christ, making disciples in the midst of chaos.

Nampa, Idaho (August 15, 2022)-  Global Catalytic Ministries (GCM), a leader in disciple-making ministry in the Middle East, announces that the underground church in Afghanistan is pioneering a “move of love” through humanitarian efforts pointing to hope in Christ. Stories of the immense impact these actions are producing continue to come in from underground church leaders, highlighting the power of the Holy Spirit-led discipleship efforts. Yet there is still more to be done to help the people of Afghanistan.

There are countless stories of rescue efforts of women, children, and orphans who have been forcefully taken into human trafficking, slavery, and military service. Many children are running for their lives so they won't be taken by the Taliban and made into child brides and soldiers. One underground church leader shares that 4 orphans, who are believers, were forced to watch as their brother was executed right in front of their eyes. Their brother willingly sacrificed his own life for theirs, enabling them to get away and into our safe house. Because of the sacrificial love their brother showed them, these 4 children are now in the process of being evacuated, with a goal to place them together in a loving home.

“Disciples are sacrificing themselves, and laying down their own lives, dying to see a great harvest arise from Afghanistan,” states Joel Richardson, Chairman of the Board at Frontier Alliance International (FAI). “The richest, most productive soil is created through the death of other living things. The seeds of faith being planted in Afghanistan are falling on good soil, producing a fruitful harvest of disciples.”

CM is also working with 2 orphanages to provide food, clothing, and resources for the children living there. In addition, 8 tons of coal were delivered to other orphanages and homes. GCM is also partnering with people on the ground to build homes and shelters after the deadly earthquakes that have ravaged some of the poorest areas of Afghanistan. One leader shares, “It’s so precious, it’s a privilege for me, to see when hope comes into their eyes when they start to realize they really are loved and they’re special. It makes life here worth it, even though it’s not easy now. Daily it’s getting worse in Afghanistan, but then when you see hope come in their eyes, I feel blessed.” While GCM is actively working to reach as many people as possible, there are countless orphanages that also need help.

“The people of Afghanistan have seen the true face of Islam and are hungry for hope and peace in the midst of their chaos,” Richardson says. “The importance of disciple-making is so we can not just survive persecution but thrive as radical lovers of Jesus within any circumstances. There is yet much work to be done in the region and an enormous impact can be made for the Kingdom. The Afghan people have been left behind too many times. They need to know that they are loved, treasured, and not alone.”

Because they are working with limited supplies in one of the poorest countries and in the most dangerous of circumstances, GCM needs your help. You can partner with GCM in their mission to make disciples in the darkest places with a donation of $59 a month. For less than $2 a day, you can help provide families and orphans with food, shelter, and resources, while rescuing others who were forcefully taken by the Taliban. Become a monthly partner here: https://catalyticministries.com/giving/.

About Global Catalytic Ministries

Global Catalytic Ministries (GCM) is a leader in the disciple-making movement in the Middle East, rapidly transforming Muslims worldwide through Jesus Christ by means of intentional disciple making, church planting, and leadership development. The documentaries, “Sheep Among Wolves Volume 1 and Volume 2”, expose the experiences of GCM underground church leaders as true sheep among wolves. GCM is headquartered in Nampa, Idaho. More information can be found at https://catalyticministries.com/.