Aftermath of a massive explosion at Beirut port today (Credit: @tobiaschneider on Twitter).

An explosion inside Beirut’s port complex caused a storage facility to catch fire, leading to a massive secondary explosion moments later that leveled nearby buildings and caused casualties and damage several kilometers away. Dramatic video was posted to social media of the secondary blast, which instantly enveloped several city blocks in the downtown of Lebanon’s capital, breaking windows and sending debris flying as far as 10 kilometers away. Reports of damage to Beirut’s airport, presidential palace, and multiple residential neighborhoods are still flowing in, with the Jordanian Seismological Observatory comparing the shock wave of the blast to a 4.5 Richter earthquake.

Over 30 Red Cross teams are now at the site of the disaster, providing medical aid and rescue services. At least 50 are confirmed dead and 2760 wounded so far, although both numbers are expected to climb. The leader of Lebanon’s Kataeb (Phalange) Christian Democratic party was confirmed killed in the explosion and the wife of Lebanese prime minister Diab, Nuwar Mawlawi, was reportedly injured.


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So far, there has been no explanation for the initial explosion, although Lebanese officials claim that the secondary blast was caused by highly-explosive ammonium nitrate, which was allegedly being stored in the facility after it was seized from ships in port. The veracity of this claim has not been determined as of yet. The Israeli government immediately commented that it had “no connection” to the blast. Tensions have been high recently between the IDF and the Lebanese military, especially Lebanese Hezbollah. Israel has conducted airstrikes in Lebanese cities in the past, although a mass-casualty event inside an urban area does not fit the profile of previous Israeli strikes, which are typically pin-pointed and designed to minimize civilian casualties.

We ask the global FAI family to take a few moments right now to pray for the people of Beirut and Lebanon, which is already sinking under the weight of a financial crisis and the growing influence of Hezbollah (and Iran) across the country. We pray for those injured in the blast to survive and heal, for the truth of the cause of the blasts to be revealed, and for both the international community and the Body of Christ to rally around the people of Beirut today, bringing hope and Good News into the middle of chaos and carnage.


NOTE: This post may be updated in real-time as this story develops.